Tuesday, September 18, 2007

What is new in Tech @ Holmdel

Busy summer in 2007 with 270+ new desktop PCs, 27 Tablets PCs and 28 notebooks being deployed. With Staff Development Day coming up October 8th, the tech department is pushing to get the 20 Tablet PCs received 9/17 out to their new users.

We added 8 PCs to the HS InfoCenter (see above)and 4 PCs to the Satz CyberCenter. The HS 142 computer lab has 25 new PCs as does the Village K/1 lab.

Huge year for tech donations from the HFEE, Village PSA, Indian Hill PLG and HCAA. All the Tablet PCs, LCD Projection carts and almost all of the notebooks came from over $ 130, 000 in donations. You know you are in a 21st century learning environment when you walk into a Village classroom and see a 37" LCD display or LCD projector being used by a teacher.